• As Seen In

Go from surviving
to thriving.
Helping your child manage their
stress & anxiety so they can
get back to being a kid
Helping you understand &
help your child so you can
feel good about being a
mom again

Feeling helpless as your child is struggling with day to day tasks, friendships, self-esteem and mood swings that seem to come out of nowhere…

As a parent your stress level is at an all time high because you feel lost and overwhelmed.

You know deep down that something isn’t right and you’re not sure where to turn.

I want you to know that you’re not alone and you’re in the right place.

Did you know that anxiety is one of the most common childhood disorders
(with over 4.4 million children in the United States diagnosed)
But... surprisingly this diagnosis can often be missed. Untreated anxiety interferes with your child’s school day, social life and how they are at home.

The good news - Anxiety is highly treatable.

Dr. Hiotakis is a miracle worker and because of our time together our son is enjoying his life to the fullest. Aiden not only sleeps through the night,  he sleeps in his own bed and goes to sleepovers with no issues. Before working with Dr. Hiotakis we struggled for years with Aiden constantly coming into our room in the middle of the night because he couldn’t sleep or was extremely anxious. We only wish we started earlier.

Tara & John, parents to Aiden 11yo 

Dr. Hiotakis is the real deal,  full of heart and backed up by science. She was always very clear when trying to help us understand why our daughter Olivia acted out. She was the first person to point out that Olivia’s behavior was linked to her own anxiety, She even helped us see the stress levels in our home and how we were over-scheduled as a family. We are still extremely busy but we have carved out down time and check in time each week with Olivia and our other children. Dr. Hiotakis has changed our family forever and we are so grateful.

Nicole & Chris, Parents to Olivia 9yo

We finally know how to talk to our girls in a way that does not trigger them and does not trigger us. Prior to working with Dr. Hiotakis we were constantly on the go with practices, travel league requirements, dance recitals, not to mention our demanding careers. We realized we needed to get some advice because our daughters were showing us a lot of stress and worry and honestly we felt it too. Dr. Hiotakis helped put everything in perspective and shifted our thinking on how we could approach conversations in ways that were supportive and directed.

Susie & Brian, Parents to Amanda 14yo & Emily 10yo

Our daughter Lindsay has so much confidence after working with Dr. Hiotakis she is unstoppable. We struggled for years because Lindsay was so attached to us. She had difficulty staying in school and would rarely leave our side. When she did she was full of tears. Dr. Hiotakis worked with our daughter to help her understand her anxiety and gave her tools to deal with it. She also educated us and provided us with the knowledge of when to and how to intervene and to also be aware

Erin & Jason, Parents to Lindsay 11yo

Hi, I'm
Dr. Samantha Hiotakis

I’ve been working with children and families as a clinical psychologist for over 15 years, and have the added benefit of having worked & consulted with schools for 13 years.

This gives me a unique perspective about the rigors and demands of your child’s day to day life. I understand what is required of you to manage your child’s schedule, workload as well as your own.

I have further training and expertise as a health & wellness coach and how lifestyle choices can impact overall wellbeing.

As a mother I am acutely aware that when your child is suffering, you are suffering.

Let’s stop that now.

Let's Talk

Does your child exhibit any of these?

  • Bedtime fears
  • Perfectionist behaviors
  • Mood swings
  • Fluctuating grades
  • Reports from teachers that your child is not concentrating
  • Behavior that seems to come out of nowhere
  • Low self-esteem

It’s time to say goodbye to

  • Feeling frustrated, stressed and helpless
  • Meltdowns that seem to come out of nowhere
  • Not understanding how to help
  • No real answers
  • Feeling like your child is suffering and you can’t help
Let's Talk

Imagine Your Child...

  • Managing Stress &

    Your child is most likely caught off guard when faced with their anxiety leaving them to feel out of control. Therapy can help them understand how to manage it and be in control.
  • Building Resilience

    Coping skills. Helping children learn how to manage stress and worry when it shows up.
  • Improving Their
    Overall Well Being

    By making healthier lifestyle choices around food, sleep, screen-time and more.
  • Identifying Their

    When children understand why they feel a certain way and what causes it they feel empowered to handle it.
  • Feeling

    When your child feels in control of their world and what is happening around them they are empowered and have incredible resilience.
  • Advocating for What
    They Need

    Being able to communicate what they need is often one of the first things children learn when it comes to dealing and managing their stress and worry.

Imagine You...

  • Managing Your Stress
    & Anxiety

    Having a child who is struggling is extremely stressful and can wreak havoc on your own wellbeing.
  • Understanding How To
    Help Your Child

    By fully understanding anxiety you will be better able to help your child navigate their anxiety.
  • Learn About the Impact
    of Food on Mood

    Learn how to make food choices that help dress and anxiety for you and your family.
  • Feeling

    Finally understanding your child's stress, worry, and anxiety you are empowered to handle anything.
  • Teasing Out Behavior
    From Anxiety

    Parents can often feel that a child is only being disrespectful. It is important to tease out behavior from anxiety and once we have this information can move forward
  • Having New Skills
    to Apply

    Mindfulness. Deep breathing. Bedtime routines for restful sleep. Screen Time limits
Let's Talk

In my 15+ year career working with
children and families I have curated a
7 Pillar approach
to help you and your child.

  • THOROUGH ASSESSMENT to determine the impact on home & school environments, stress level, physical issues, sleep, eating habits and more
  • PERSONALIZED TREATMENT specific to your child’s needs, their personality and your situation
  • DETAILED FEEDBACK so you and your child know and understand the recommendations...a clear plan to move forward
  • A TOOLBOX OF SKILLS that your child will learn and be able to use giving them the confidence to deal with their emotions and stressors as they come up.
  • POSITIVE PARENTING STRATEGIES empowering you to apply skills to help and manage situations as they arise
  • MIND BODY CONNECTION - you and your child will understand how emotions affect our body and the physical symptoms we feel.
  • LIFESTYLE CHOICES - empowering you and your child on healthy food choices, bedtime routines and more-- all which can positively impact your child’s overall wellbeing
As a mom I know that when your child is struggling you want to do anything and everything in your power to help them.

I am here to help you do that.
It’s time to stop the cycle of stress and reach out for help. I offer one on one sessions to meet the specific needs of you and your child.
Don’t live near Southampton New York? No problem. Virtual sessions available (for parent consults only)
Let's Talk
Has your child's worry and anxiety impacted you to the point that you are stressed, exhausted, and dealing with physical and emotional symptoms that won't let up? I can support you on your path bath to heath and wellness.
Learn More